Xubi Group at EMO 2019
The EMO 2019 trade fair was a great occasion for the Xubi Group and specifically for BSG Zuazo to strengthen its standing in the machine-tool sector.
Greenwich swing bridge powered by a Renogear slewing bearing
Renogear has designed and manufactured the main bearing for the Greenwich Village pedestrian swing bridge at the Thames River. A large-scale project that requires the precision and reliability that Renogear can guarantee.
Main suppliers for pitch and yaw bearings
Renogear YAW and PITCH bearings guarantee maximum performance and life time of wind turbines. More and more customers trust Renogear.
Bearings for antennas / satellites of the astronomical observatory Simons
Renogear has worked on the development of bearings for the Simons astronomical observatory, located in Cerro Toco, in the Atacama Desert. Azimuth, elevation and tilting bearings have been Renogear´s outcome.
Leading supplier of the new higher load capacity cranes
Renogear, specialised in large-size bearings, is one of the main suppliers of the new larger capacity cranes. The high demands in terms of load capacities of the new cranes have found at Renogear the perfect ally.