Telecommunications industry

Renogear is commited to innovation.

The telecommunications industry has in Renogear its great ally for the production of efficient bearings that guarantee good performance and great durability. They stand out for their great flexibility, load capacity and turning speeds.

Renogear keeps continuous involvement and cooperation in all stages of production and operation and ensures flexibility and quality in all our processes and services targeted to the telecommunications industry. From a global perspective and study of the telecommunications industry, we offer specific and optimized solutions for each application.

Xubi Group

logo Xubi, Xubi Grouplogo Renogear, Xubi Group logo Zuazo, Xubi Group logo Osatu, Xubi Group
logo Renogear, Xubi Group

Renogear, S.L.

Polígono Industrial Ugarte 144, Apdo. 94 E 20720 Azkoitia